Vistrol Whistleblowing System e-Form
Vistrol is dedicated to fostering a business network rooted in integrity and trust, with a focus on providing high-quality services and experiences through strong Corporate Governance practices. To support this commitment, we offer a transparent channel for customers, partners, employees, and stakeholders to report any instances of fraud, bribery, violations of our code of ethics, conflicts of interest, breaches of safety and health protocols, information security infractions, or any legal violations by members of our organization.
In alignment with this, Vistrol has established a comprehensive complaint handling policy via the Vistrol Whistleblowing System e-form. The complaint management team will review and process reports that meet the reporting criteria and may reach out to the reporter for further information, if necessary.
Vistrol is committed to protecting the identity of individuals who raise concerns. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we will honor this unless disclosure is required by law. In situations where resolving the matter may require revealing your identity, such as in legal proceedings, we will engage with you to determine the best way to proceed.
Vistrol ensures that all individuals can voice genuine concerns in good faith without fear of retaliation, discrimination, or disadvantage, even if their concerns are ultimately unfounded.